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Showing posts from March, 2019

Hidden Laws of SEO with Neil Patel

SEO Specialist Neil Patel has provided an educational video of the "Unseen" Laws of SEO.  Neil explains the rules you need to abide by in order to stay in Google's good graces and to shape the way your website ranks. This information provides entrepreneurs and those learning about SEO with the knowledge of what not to avoid when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation. Check it out below

Link Building for SEO

Link Building in 2019 Maybe the biggest change that has happened in SEO in the last few years has been Googles ability to understand when links are being built in a manipulative manner.  The Google Penguin update made it increasingly difficult for black hat link building techniques to manipulate the algorithm by building hundreds of thousands of links from low quality or spare me destinations. Prior to this, link spam used to work very well. But that doesn't mean that the penguin update changed Googles reliance on links to detect a quality website over a low-quality one. Links are still very important in Google Search ranking algorithm however bad links a much easier to detect one of the most pressing questions that this is raised with SEO professionals is “how can I build links safely in a way that Google will not penalize?”.  Contrary to what some marketing journalists of reported link building is still very much alive and well. Matt Cutts from Google confi